beam radar中文什么意思

发音:   用"beam radar"造句
  • beam:    n. 1.梁,栋梁,桁条;(船的)横 ...
  • radar:    n. 〔美国〕【无线电】 〔radi ...
  • radar beam:    雷达波束; 雷达射束
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  1. Millimeter wave single pole multiple throw switch is one of the most important device in multi - channel system , widely applied to multi - beam radar , phase array radar system , electronic warfare system , and so on
  2. ( 2 ) if not considering blind space and targets are uniformly distributed , detectionperformance are close for the three kinds of line when speed - ratio is less than 1 , and cross - toline will achieve higher enter - cover - probability when speed - ratio is more than 1 . if takingblind space into account , for case of balance - beam radar , cross - away line can get higherstrict - enter - cover - probability . but for fear that probablely - enter - cover target distribution comesbehind the patrol line , the three factors should be limited if taking cross line


  1. beam pump well 什么意思
  2. beam pumper 什么意思
  3. beam pumping unit 什么意思
  4. beam pumping well 什么意思
  5. beam quality 什么意思
  6. beam radiation 什么意思
  7. beam radio 什么意思
  8. beam radio station 什么意思
  9. beam radius 什么意思
  10. beam raise 什么意思


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